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CULTIV8 Heat Mat Thermostat


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CULTIV8 Heat Mat Thermostat

The Cultiv8 Heat Mat Thermostat controls the temperature of heat mats, providing constant optimum temperature for plants, seedlings and cuttings. It is ideal for maintaining root zone/rooting temperatures of plant or seedling trays. Easy plug-in operation with LED display, indicator light, digital temperature selection, temperature sensor and three prong grounded power plug. Temperature controllable range: 20 to 42 degrees Celsius.

    Celsius or Fahrenheit read-out

    Temperature Range 20ºC to 42ºC (in 1º increments)

    Max. Load: 1000 Watt

    Max. Current: 4.3 Amp

    Auto Safety shut-off

Heat mats are not just for gardening. They are very useful for providing consistent, controllable heating for other hobbies including reptile and arachnid keeping (heating for enclosures and terrariums), home-brewing (maintaining of fermentation temperatures) and more. With this thermostat you can easily expand any heat mat’s functionality so that it provides the precise level of warmth your pets or projects require to flourish. The ability to dial in and maintain the preferred temperature means you can rest assured and no longer need to constantly monitor temperature, whether in colder or warmer environments.


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