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Garland Trays


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  • 60cm Tray


  • 120cm Tray

This huge tray is the largest in our range with a depth of 12 cm and a massive internal capacity of 144 Litres. The tray features a series of shallow horizontal ridges on the internal base of the tray which aid drainage from plant pots.

Equally useful as a commercial drip / spillage tray for oils and chemical storage. There are many potential other applications such as a sand pit for kids, a plant irrigation display tray for garden centres and a mixing tray for cement to name but a few. Trays of this size and strength are very hard to find.

Made from recycled polypropylene.

Size Check: 120cm (47″) Long 120cm (47″) Wide 12cm (5″) High External


100cm x 100cm, 120cm x 120cm, 60cm x 60cm, 80cm x 80cm


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